
Situation Report
Emergency Response
A child with severe acute malnutrition admitted for treatment at the limbe regional hospital supported by UNICEF Credit: UNICEF/Salomon Beguel


Partners screened 37,864 children (21,415 girls) for severe acute malnutrition (SAM). Among them 179 were identified with SAM and referred for appropriate treatment and 636 were classified as moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) cases. Data is limited to locations where partners have access to communities.

About 42,549 caregivers (29,502 women) received key messages on infant and young child feeding practices, integrating COVID-19 specific messages. The Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP) continued to be implemented alongside the general food distribution to prevent undernutrition, reaching 13,338 children between 6 and 23 months and 4,054 pregnant and lactating women.

The rate of defaulting was reported to be high because many children stopped treatment due to the unavailability of supplies at treatment centers. It was noted that plumpy nuts given to some caregivers for identified SAM cases were not well managed. This made the rate of recovery very slow as the treatment protocol was not followed. Furthermore, with the beginning of the farming season, many caregivers leave their locations with their children for farming which makes it difficult to reach children for screening or to continue treatment.

