
Situation Report
Emergency Response
Maroua, région de l'Extrême-Nord | Une femme bénéficiant de services dans un espace sécurisé géré par l'ALVF Crédit : UNOCHA/Mouangue
Maroua, région de l'Extrême-Nord | Une femme bénéficiant de services dans un espace sécurisé géré par l'ALVF Crédit : UNOCHA/Mouangue

Addressing the needs and rights of women and girls exposed to GBV in crises-affected areas in Cameroon

In crises-affected areas, women, and girls, including women with disabilities, adolescent girls, and widows, are most exposed to gender-based violence (GBV). Some of the most severe impacts of GBV and sexual violence include injuries, mutilations, trauma, unwanted pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases. Social and psycho-social impacts such as isolation, rejection, suicidal thoughts, stigmatization, shame, mental disorder, and stress were also reported. While women and girls try to cope positively through support from supporting organizations, community or religious leaders for instance, negative coping mechanisms have devastating impact, and include substance abuse and survival sex. Tailored GBV preventive services and responses are required for the protection of at-risk groups, with a focus on individual specific needs.

Situations of forced displacement create a breeding ground for sexual exploitation and abuse. Promiscuity, search for income and difficult living conditions expose girls and women to all forms of exploitation and abuse. Therefore, localities with large numbers of IDPs are also prioritised in the targeting of GBV response areas of intervention.

Bokwai locality, a community within the Buea municipality (South-West region), is home to several internally displaced persons (IDPs) who sought safety and income generating activities.

Recognizing the community's needs, International Rescue Committee (IRC) built and equipped a Women and Girls Safe Space in Bokwai in 2021. The space was equipped with essential resources, including sewing machines, fabrics, soap-making ingredients, and case management support materials. It quickly became a hub for helping to address GBV, empowering women with start-ups, and providing life skills training through the Girl Shine curriculum. On 19 January 2024, IRC officially handed over the safe space to the Bokwai community.

In Maroua, Far North region, ALVF (Association de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes), is running a women and girls safe space, where survivors of gender-based violence are provided mental health and psychosocial support as well as training on income generating activities. Awa (not her real name), 42, experienced domestic violence. During community awareness sessions on GBV, she heard about the safe space. She went to seek support and received psychosocial support. She also benefited from counselling sessions together with her husband. She received training and support for an income generating activity. Awa is a now providing for her needs.

Between January and September 2023, GBV partners have provided services to more than 76,000 girls, women, boys and men in the Far North, North-West and South-West regions. These services included mental health and psychosocial support, clinical management, legal assistance and income generating activities.

