
Situation Report
Key figures

Several regions have reported landslide incidents caused by heavy rains in mountainous areas

In addition to floods, several regions have reported landslide incidents caused by heavy rains in mountainous areas. The landslide incident in Geze Gofa Woreda of Gofa Zone, South Ethiopia Region on 21 and 22 July claimed the lives of 243 people – an additional six people are missing(3). The Government has evacuated more than 6,600 people from the two affected kebeles, and 17,400 people were evacuated from the 15 other kebeles identified as being at-risk. Overall, at least 24,000 people at-risk of landslide across 20 of the 29 kebeles in Geze Gofa Woreda are targeted for relocation to safer areas. Two environmental experts were deployed to the affected areas by UN OCHA, with the support of the Swiss International Cooperation, and the embassy of Sweden through the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism managed by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO). Their deployment provided timely expert support to the Government-led response to the landslide emergencies. It became evident that the high number of deaths was not a direct result of the initial landslide, but of lack of awareness of the people who came out in masses to the landslide area to look for survivors, and unfortunately perished while doing so, following a second landslide. In addition to long-term land management in at-risk areas, the  joint observation identified that building awareness of risks is a key element of mitigating the impact of landslides. 

More specifically, the experts’ recommendation focused on four key points: 1) build public awareness regarding natural hazards, landslides, floods, etc.; including preparedness and training on those topics, 2) develop early warning systems (EWS) further, to reach the end of the road villages; 3) mapping of natural hazards, specifically on landslides, at a scale usable at the village level; and 4) soil rehabilitation and slope remediation to reduce the risks for local inhabitants. The Government has developed a costed Emergency Response and Recovery Plan for the Geze Gofa incident and requests the support of recovery and development partners. 

Also in the South Ethiopia Region, a new landslide incident on 15-16 August in Melokoza and Demba Goffa woredas claimed the life of one person and led to the evacuation of some 3,000 people in Demba Goffa, as well as more than 1000 people in Melokoza, who are currently sheltered in schools, churches, and Farmers' Training Centers (FTCs). A Government and partners’ team is on the ground to determine response needs. Earlier in the month, on 2 August, a landslide incident in Wolayita Zone killed 13 people and displaced more than 12,600 people.  

Similar landslide incidents were also reported from Gamo Zone of South Ethiopia Region on 15 August, killing four people and displacing 1000 people, and in Central, Northern and Eastern zones of Sidam Region on 28 July, killing eleven people and displacing 11,000 people.   

In the Southwest Ethiopia Peoples Region, landslides on 24-31 July killed five people and displaced 519 people. The Regional Government has allocated some resource (~US$100,00) to mount an initial life-saving response. Additional assistance by partners is required. 



(3) Ethiopia: Flash Update #3 - Update on Landslide in Gofa Zone, South Ethiopia Region (as of 26 July 2024) | OCHA (

