

Situation Report
Flash Update
November 2023. Dasenech woreda, South Omo Zone, South Ethiopia region. Floods impact on homes.
November 2023. Dasenech woreda, South Omo Zone, South Ethiopia region. Floods impact on homes. Credit: South Ethiopia regional DRMC.

Flash Update #1 Ethiopia: Oct-Nov-Dec rainy season


  • Over 616,000 flood-displaced people require life-saving assistance across multiple sectors.

  • Cessation of rains in the Somali region has allowed more humanitarian access and the beginning of spontaneous returns to some areas, but to damaged houses and livelihoods.

  • Forecast for more rain in South Ethiopia region risks further humanitarian impact.

  • Over 150,000 people received life-saving assistance, including 100,000 with emergency shelter and non-food items, 18,300 with food assistance and 32,000 with water treatment.

  • Lack of funding is a major challenge in the response to floods, scale-up and urgency are key; a CERF rapid response funding of up to US$8 million has preliminarily been approved.

Read more in the full Flash Update.

