North-west Syria

Situation Report
SCHF monitoring mission to schools
An OCHA team conducted a monitoring mission to schools supported by World Vision and the SCHF, including facilities for children with special needs. May 2024. Photo: World Vision

Cross-border aid delivery and missions

  • The use of the Bab Al-Hawa border crossing for UN aid delivery and personnel movement to north-west Syria was extended for an additional six months until 13 January 2025. So far in 2024, over 90 per cent of trucks and 70 per cent of missions by UN personnel used this border crossing to reach north-west Syria, complementing Bab Al-Salam and Al Ra’ee.

  • As of 28 July, the UN has completed 539 cross-border missions to north-west Syria since the first interagency visit to Idleb on February 14, 2023 – 222 of these missions were conducted in 2024.

  • On 6 June, WHO conducted a cross-border mission to the Bab Al-Salama hospital in Azaz, northern Aleppo, to hold the first Health Cluster Coordination meeting inside north-west Syria, bringing the coordination of the health sector closer to field partners and communities. These coordination meetings have previously been held in Gaziantep.

  • Since the beginning of 2024, a total of 415 trucks carrying aid by seven UN agencies crossed from Türkiye to north-west Syria, as of 29 July.

