

Situation Report
Flash Update
Lyman delivery
Aid agencies deliver essential supplies to Lyman in Donetska oblast on 13 October. Credit: UNOCHA/Tahir Ibrahim

Ukraine: ESCALATION OF ATTACKS ACROSS THE COUNTRY - Flash Update No. 3 (13 October)


  • Missile attacks have been reported over western Lvivska, Rivnenska and Volynska oblasts, no civilian casualties have been reported so far.

  • Ukrainian authorities reported continued attacks in Donetska, Dnipropetrovska and Zaporizka oblasts, killing and injuring civilians.

  • UN agencies and humanitarian partners are continuing to deliver assistance and have reached out to local authorities in affected areas to identify priority needs.

  • Agencies deliver essential assistance to newly accessible city of Lyman in Donetska oblast.

  • General Assembly adopted a resolution acknowledging the so-called referendums and the annexation of four oblasts of Ukraine as “illegal.”


Missile attacks on cities in parts of Ukraine continued on 13 October, three days after scores of civilians were killed and critical infrastructure was damaged across multiple cities, including the capital city Kyiv (see Ukraine: Escalation of attacks across the country – Flash Update No.1). On 13 October missile attacks were reported over western Lvivska, Rivnenska and Volynska oblasts. No civilian casualties have been reported thus far but humanitarian agencies are closely following developments for potential impacts on civilians. On 12 October, 50 casualties were reported in Ukraine’s controlled areas, with eastern Donetska (20) and south-eastern Zaporizka (15) oblasts the most affected. Meanwhile six civilian casualties were reported in non-Government-controlled areas of Donetska oblast. In central Dnipropetrovska oblast, the city of Nikopol, which has been under continuous shelling since mid-July, reportedly came under attack with the reported use of heavy artillery and multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS). Overnight attacks there on Oct 12 reportedly injured one civilian, damaged more than 30 apartment buildings and gas and electricity lines. The city authorities are reportedly clearing the debris and providing shelter materials to residents whose houses were affected. In Mykolaiv city, a missile attack reportedly damaged a five-storey building. Rescuers saved an 11-year-old boy trapped under the rubble for six hours, and the search for seven more people is ongoing. On 12 October the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that external power to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) had been restored. This was just a few hours after its connection to the grid had been cut for a second time in less than a week. IAEA Director General Raphael Mariano Grossi welcomed the restoration of external power and announced he would travel to Kyiv after his visit to Moscow as part of IAEA’s continuing efforts to establish a nuclear safety and security protection zone around the ZNPP. 

In New York, with 143 votes in favour and 5 against, the General Assembly adopted a resolution on 12 October declaring as “unlawful” the actions of the Russian Federation in holding so-called referendums and the subsequent attempted annexation of 4 regions of Ukraine. The resolutions demands that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.” The resolution also welcomes the efforts of the United Nations, Member States and humanitarian organizations to respond to the humanitarian and refugee crisis and supports efforts to de-escalate the current situation and find a peaceful resolution of the conflict through political dialogue, negotiation, mediation and other peaceful means. 


UN agencies and NGO partners have reached out to local authorities in areas affected by the attacks to identify their priority needs. Now they are responding as initial requests come through, including for generators and heaters in western Lvivska and Ivano-Frankivska oblasts and for repair materials for Mykolaiv city. Aid operations are stepping up in newly accessible areas, where the Government of Ukraine has regained control. UN Operations distributed more than 140 generators to Ukrainian hospitals and health facilities with funding from the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund across areas where the Government of Ukraine regained control. In Sviatohirsk, Donetska oblast, UNICEF distributed school-in-a-box kits, hygiene kits and other supplies for 1,400 people over the past week. The recently retaken city of Lyman in Donetska oblast meanwhile, received its first inter-agency delivery of life-saving assistance. Facilitated by OCHA, WFP, UNICEF, IOM, WHO and UNHCR, humanitarian partner Slavic Heart provided hygiene kits, emergency shelter, food and emergency health supplies. The team observed massive destruction in the city and a widespread lack of fuel, which is now also causing water shortages, and continuous shelling a major concern for civilians. UNHCR reports that its cash enrollment centre in Chernihiv resumed on 11 October, while protection activities and housing repairs resumed in the northern Kyivska and Chernihivska oblasts. Cash enrollment also resumed in Dnipro and in Kyiv on 12 October. According to the IOM latest displacement report, the three oblasts with the highest number of internally displaced people are: Kharkivska (403,779), Dnipropetrovska (332,752) and Kyivska (325,074).

For more information, please contact OCHA Ukraine:

Anna Jefferys,

