
Situation Report


  • Famine conditions have been confirmed in Zamzam IDP camp near Al Fasher, North Darfur State. Thousands more are likely experiencing similar conditions in 13 other areas at risk
  • Heavy rains and flooding; disease outbreaks, mainly cholera; and conflict-induced displacement continue to drive needs, worsening the humanitarian situation
  • Humanitarians welcomed the re-opening of Adre border crossing point as UN Deputy Secretary General visits Sudan and Chad
  • The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan, which is seeking US$2.7 billion, is only 41 per cent funded by the end of August
OCHA Alimbek Tashtankulov
People receive non-food item assistance in Gedaref State | Credit: OCHA/Alimbek Tashtankulov




Situation Report

Key Figures

People in need of assistance in 2024
people targeted for assistance in 2024
Internally displaced since 15 April (IOM)
People reached with assistance (June 2024)
Crossed the border since 15 April (UNHCR)




Situation Report






Tapiwa Gomo

Head of Communications and Analysis (a.i.)


Situation Report
A displaced woman cooks in an open space in the El Ban Gadeed settlement. Photo: OCHA/Ala Kheir
A displaced woman cooks in an open space in the El Ban Gadeed settlement. Photo: OCHA/Ala Kheir

Sudan Humanitarian Update (1 September 2024)


Famine: Urgent resources and unrestricted access needed to scale up response

After more than 16 months of conflict in Sudan, famine conditions are now prevalent in Zamzam internally displaced persons (IDP) camp, North Darfur State, marking the first such report globally since 2017. On 1 August, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Famine Review Committee (FRC) concluded that the ongoing conflict has pushed communities in North Darfur State, notably in Zamzam camp near the state capital Al Fasher, into famine (IPC 5) conditions as of June and July 2024 and are likely to persist during August-October 2024.

The FRC further added that thousands more people are likely experiencing similar conditions in 13 other areas at risk of famine that were highlighted in the IPC analysis released in June 2024. It urged for assessments in other IDP camps in Al Fasher, particularly, Abu Shouk and Al Salam camps where similar conditions are likely affecting the IDP communities.

Sudan faces the worst levels of acute food insecurity in its history, with more than half of its population – 25.6 million people – in acute hunger. That includes more than 8.5 million people facing emergency levels of hunger (IPC 4), as well as more than 755,000 people who are in catastrophic conditions (IPC 5) in Greater Darfur, South and North Kordofan, Blue Nile, Aj Jazirah, and Khartoum.

In a statement, Ms. Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, noted that humanitarians are on the ground ready to scale up and pushing ahead on multiple fronts. She added that “we need the guns to be silenced to enable humanitarians to reach the people in need. We need an urgent injection of funding for the aid operation as well as safe and unimpeded humanitarian access, including across borders and battle lines.”

Flooding: Above-normal rains cause flooding and displacement

Since the onset of the rainy season in June, heavy rains and flooding have continued to cause havoc displacing hundreds of thousands of people, damaging infrastructure, affecting road access, and heightening the risk of diseases. Sudan is one of the countries in the Greater Horn of Africa projected to receive above-average rains for the June to September 2024 Seasonal Forecast, according to the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC).

Since June, more than 442,600 people have been affected across 13 out of 18 states, with at least 124,600 people displaced by the flooding, according to the Sudan Floods Dashboard. The heavy rains and flooding have also displaced 4,300 IDPs in Zamzam and Abu Shouk camps near Al Fasher, North Darfur State, with about 900 tents destroyed, 2,300 houses damaged, and latrines washed away by the floods. Flooding, coupled with escalating fighting, is worsening an already dire situation for thousands of IDPs in Zamzam camp where the IPC FRC confirmed the presence of famine-like conditions in early August.

The heavy downpours and subsequent flooding are exacerbating the plight of thousands of other vulnerable and acutely food insecure people, compounding their suffering, lack of safety and access to lifesaving assistance and services. In Northern and River Nile states, flooding has resulted in widespread scorpion and snake infestations, posing risks to the communities due to the shortage of treatment. Flooding and stagnant water are heightening the risk of disease outbreaks across affected states.

While the rains are good for crop farming and pasture generation, flooding is aggravating road conditions. This is delaying the delivery of humanitarian assistance, including seeds, to parts of Darfur, Kordofan, Khartoum and other conflict-affected areas with acute needs, with access severely constrained due to fighting, flooding, and other challenges.

Diseases: Cholera outbreak confirmed; partners ramp up response

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that an outbreak of cholera was officially declared on 12 August 2024 by the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) after a new wave of cholera cases had been reported from 22 July 2024. The previous outbreak had technically ended in June 2024 following two consecutive incubation periods without any case reported but had not been officially declared over. Between 22 July and 1 September, 2,895 cases of cholera have been reported, with 112 associated deaths – case fatality rate (CFR) of 3.9 per cent – from five states, including Kassala (1,703 cases), Gedaref (699), River Nile (408), Aj Jazirah (65), and Khartoum (20).

The FMoH, with support from WHO and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) concluded a four-day oral cholera vaccination (OCV) campaign in Wad Alhilu of Kassala State on 22 August 2024 to protect communities in hotspot areas and curb the spread of the outbreak. A total of 51,000 doses of oral cholera vaccines (OCV) inside Sudan were utilized, with 100 per cent vaccination coverage, protecting the targeted population (persons older than one year) in this locality. In addition, 404,081 oral cholera vaccines have been approved to cover vulnerable people in Kassala State (120,533 doses for Wad Alhilu locality and 283,548 doses for Kassala locality). The vaccines are expected to arrive in Sudan during the first week of September 2024.

WHO supported the FMoH in submitting a request to the International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision for allocation of OCV and is providing technical, operational, and financial support to the campaign, as well as coordination with the International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision, including financial support to cover operational costs, and UNICEF supported with logistics to transport vaccines. Meanwhile, WHO cholera supplies had been pre-positioned in high-risk states in anticipation of a cholera outbreak during the rainy season, and have been distributed to all outbreak-affected states. WHO completed the assessment of case management capacities in cholera hotspots and is working to establish 12 cholera treatment units (CTU) – two units per each affected state and two for Red Sea State – and 48 Oral Rehydration Points (ORP) in the affected states.

Conflict displacement: 77,100 people displaced within and outside Sudan during 1st half of August 2024

During the first half of August 2024, about 73,550 people were displaced within Sudan and another 3,600 people crossed into neighbouring countries, according to the latest Sudan Mobility Update from the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This brings the total number of people who fled their homes since mid-April 2023 to 10.3 million or every fifth person in the country, making this the largest displacement crisis in the world. This includes about 8 million people displaced within Sudan and another 2.3 million who crossed into neighbouring countries.

Unlike in previous years following the start of the Darfur crisis in 2003, the highest number of IDPs from any given state originates from the capital, Khartoum (3.7 million people or 34 per cent of IDPs since mid-April). This is followed by IDPs from South Darfur (19 per cent), North Darfur (14 per cent) and others. The crisis post-April 2023 can also be characterized as the “aid worker displacement crisis”, with dozens of Sudanese aid workers displaced themselves, either within Sudan or having fled to Chad, Egypt, Uganda, Kenya, Gulf countries, Malaysia, and other countries.


Famine prevention and response underway

Despite access restrictions and a severe lack of funding, humanitarian partners have continued to implement the Famine Prevention Plan (FPP) launched in April. The plan, which aims to reach 7.6 million people facing acute needs in priority areas, was a response to the early warning issued in March of possible large-scale famine due to the ongoing conflict. Since May, at least 5.6 million people (74 per cent of the target) in priority areas have been reached with some form of humanitarian assistance. This includes 5.1 million people who were assisted with emergency food and livelihood support and close to 870,000 people who were provided with access to safe water and sanitation. In addition, about 522,000 people were reached with healthcare services, and another 240,000 people received nutrition supplies. The plan prioritizes a multi-cluster integrated approach which includes food security and livelihoods, nutrition, health and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) response alongside other clusters. Overall, more than 8 million of the 14.7 million people targeted for assistance this year have received some form of humanitarian assistance between January and July 2024.

Humanitarians enhance famine response coordination

A part of the efforts to boost famine prevention and response coordination efforts, the UN and partners are activating humanitarian hubs across the country. This follows the establishment of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)-hosted Sudan Operations Coordination Center (SOCC) in Port Sudan in July this year to strengthen famine prevention and humanitarian response coordination. There are six hubs envisaged in the plan, including one national hub in Port Sudan and five sub-national hubs in Kassala, Kosti, Kadugli, Zalingei and Atbara. These sub-national hubs will be coordinating humanitarian response in Kassala and Gedaref; White Nile, North Kordofan and Aj Jazirah; South Kordofan and West Kordofan; Darfur; Northern State and parts of Khartoum respectively. While the national hub in Port Sudan is up and running, the scale-up of the Kassala hub is underway. Insecurity due to the conflict is impacting the roll-out of the hub in Kosti, while an assessment was finalized for the Kadugli hub and OCHA is preparing to deploy staff to coordinate response. The hub in Zalingei is almost ready, while for Atbara, IOM is setting up the hub to be ready shortly.


UN Deputy Secretary General visits Sudan; 59 aid trucks cross Adre border point since re-opening

The UN Deputy Secretary General (DSG), Ms. Amina Mohammed, arrived in Port Sudan on a one-day mission on 29 August. She met with the Transitional Sovereignty Council, senior officials, and the UN country team to discuss ways of improving the aid operation, to address the Adre border crossing point procedures and to draw the attention to the crisis in Sudan. She also emphasized the importance of sustaining the movement of supplies via the Adre border crossing alongside addressing the Humanitarian Aid Commission’s concerns about procedures. She was accompanied by the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Sudan, as well as the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, and an inter-agency delegation. She proceeded to Chad on 30 August where she visited the Adre border crossing point and met with Sudanese refugees.

Ms. Mohammed’s visit to Port Sudan came two weeks after the Sudanese authorities announced the re-opening of the Adre border crossing point from Chad to Sudan’s Darfur for aid supplies for three months. The UN and the larger humanitarian community in Sudan welcomed the decision on 16 August, characterising Adre corridor as a critical lifeline for the people of Sudan. Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan said in a statement that this humanitarian route will help humanitarian partners to deliver emergency food and nutrition supplies, medicine, shelter, and other life-saving assistance to millions of people in desperate need.

After the announcement of the re-opening of the Adre border crossing, humanitarians immediately mobilized. The first convoy of trucks crossed the Adre border on 20 and 21 August. By 31 August, 59 aid trucks had crossed from Chad to Sudan’s Darfur transporting medical, food, nutrition, emergency shelter and essential household items for nearly 195,000 people in acute need in different parts of the country. For more information on the Adre border crossing see the Flash Update #2.

The Adre border crossing point was closed for aid movement in February 2024 by the authorities. Aid supplies could only trickle into Darfur through the Tine border crossing and humanitarians continuously advocated with authorities to re-open the Adre border crossing because it is the most effective and shortest route to deliver humanitarian assistance to Sudan’s Darfur and other adjacent areas.

Aid supplies for half a million people stuck due to rains and poor road conditions

On 19 August, the World Food Programme (WFP) reported that more than 50 trucks carrying an estimated 4,800 metric tonnes (MT) of food and nutrition supplies had been stuck in various locations across Sudan and unable to move towards their final destinations due to flooding and poor road conditions. The supplies are enough to cover the needs of about 500,000 people for three months. Humanitarian partners are working on identifying alternative routes to expedite the delivery of these lifesaving supplies. Shifting lines of conflict and the peak of the rains and flooding season are aggravating an already challenging humanitarian access situation, where aid agencies are having to constantly negotiate and secure new routes for aid convoys.

World Humanitarian Day: Humanitarians call for protection of civilians and aid workers

On 19 August – World Humanitarian Day – the UN and humanitarian partners in Sudan urged all parties to the conflict, the international community, donors, and others to ensure the protection and safety of civilians and humanitarian workers and to hold perpetrators of crimes against them accountable.

After 500 days of conflict, Sudan has become the world’s largest hunger, protection, and displacement crisis but also among the most dangerous for aid workers. Since mid-April 2023 when the conflict broke out, at least 22 aid workers – all of them Sudanese nationals – have been killed while on duty and at least 34 aid workers were wounded or injured. In addition, an estimated 19,000 people have been killed and more than 33,000 have been injured, according to the Protection Cluster report. These numbers are conservative estimations as partners are unable to collect real-time data due to access restrictions and insecurity.

The 16-month long conflict has had a devastating impact on civilian infrastructure and over 75 per cent of health facilities are non-functional in conflict-affected states. Since April 2023, 105 attacks on health care – including on health facilities, ambulances and transport, assets, patients, and health workers – have been verified resulting in 183 deaths and 125 injuries. Destruction of power, water and sanitation infrastructures in conflict areas has contributed to the increased risk of diseases and famine conditions.

In a statement to mark the day, the Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan called on “all parties to ensure the protection of all aid workers, including those working for local and national partners, their premises and assets, and to facilitate their work, including opening up and guaranteeing safe and unhindered humanitarian access”. She added that attacks against civilians, aid workers and civilian infrastructure are a violation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL).


Resources are depleting as the risk of famine heightens

While the re-opening of the Adre border crossing is a positive development, humanitarian partners are concerned that funding resources to procure more supplies are depleting. With the 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan, which is seeking US$2.7 billion, only 41 per cent funded by the end of August, humanitarian partners are calling on donors to immediately provide funds to sustain the supply chain and the famine prevention and response operation across the country.

While $1.1 billion (41 per cent of the appeal) has been provided so far, a detailed funding picture reveals a concerning variation among cluster funding levels. The Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster is the highest funded, having received two thirds of its 2024 requirement. This is almost half of the funding provided for the response plan thus far, with other life-saving clusters having received little funding.

During an interview with UN News, Mr Justin Brady, the OCHA Sudan Head of Office warned that “an effective response to famine cannot be made on a shoestring budget.” He added that “the battle to prevent lives being lost in Sudan due to famine must include a comprehensive package of assistance. People think famine, and they think food, when in fact, what we need to effectively respond, be it famine or displacement, is a package of assistance.”

A massive multi-cluster response is critical for an effective famine response. This includes coordinated provision of food, agricultural inputs, WASH, healthcare services and nutrition treatment, among others. “This disparity in funding levels affects the ability of partners to meet all the needs of the people in a coherent manner, with some IDPs and host communities receiving food, but lacking access to safe water to cook that food,” explained Justin Brady.

SHF allocates $130 million for frontline response

By 31 August 2024, the Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) received $93 million in contributions, the highest amount received by an OCHA-managed country-based pooled fund this year. Between January-August 2024, SHF has allocated $130 million for frontline response. Over the same period, the UN Central Emergency Fund (CERF) allocated $40 million, making Sudan the largest recipient of CERF funding in 2024. About $83 million was allocated for Khartoum, Darfur and Kordofan states, including $50 million for 16 of the 18 localities classified by the FRC in June 2024 as being at risk of famine. It should be noted that SHF had allocated over $30 million to these areas in 16 localities before they were considered at risk of famine. This was in thanks to the integration of the state-level cluster coordination system in the programming of SHF allocations, enabling SHF to allocate funding to the most vulnerable people and areas. The SHF allocated $15 million for its “48-hour” Rapid Response Mechanism and $6.5 million to support mutual-aid groups and other community-based initiatives. Furthermore, SHF continues to allocate funds rapidly to emerging needs, such as a $4 million allocation to ensure the continuation of the operation of a health center in Khartoum.

For the PDF version: Sudan Humanitarian Update, 1 September 2024




Situation Report
Emergency Response
DSR-UNDSG-Amina-Mohammed-at-Chad-Adre-border-point (Daniel-Getachew UN)
UN Deputy Secretary General, Amina Mohammed (c) at Chad’s Adre border point being shown loaded trucks ready to cross the border into Sudan. (Photo: Daniel Getachew/UN)

SUDAN: Adre border crossing situation update Flash Update No. 02 (31 August 2024)


  • Five hundred days of conflict have triggered the world’s largest hunger, protection, and displacement crisis in Sudan, devastating lives, and livelihoods.

  • Between 20 and 30 August, 59 aid trucks carrying aid supplies crossed from Chad to Darfur via the Adre border crossing point.

  • Ongoing rains and floods have damaged three major bridges in the region, limiting movements within Darfur.

  • The United Nations (UN) Deputy Secretary General (DSG) undertook a one-day mission to Port Sudan on 29 August to discuss ways of strengthening humanitarian efforts. She proceeded to Chad’s Adre border point on 30 August.


Five hundred days of conflict have triggered the world’s largest hunger, protection, and displacement crisis in Sudan, devastating lives and livelihoods. Sudan is facing the worst levels of acute food insecurity in its history with a staggering 26 million people in acute hunger. Famine conditions have been confirmed in the Zamzam camp for internally displaced people (IDPs) in North Darfur. The situation is particularly critical for people trapped in conflict- affected areas, particularly Aj Jazirah, Darfur, Khartoum and Kordofan. Fighting in North Darfur, Sennar and other states across the country as well as diseases and flooding in many parts of Sudan are exacerbating suffering and worsening humanitarian needs, especially for women and girls. On 15 August, the Transitional Sovereignty Council announced the re-opening of the Adre border crossing. This border point is considered one of most effective and shortest routes to deliver humanitarian assistance to the eastern areas of Sudan. However, crossline from Port Sudan will also enable humanitarian supplies to other areas across the country. The humanitarian community in Sudan continues to call for urgent funding and unrestricted access to enable them to reach more people in acute.


Nearly 150 humanitarian partners are on the ground racing against time to stop a large-scale famine from taking hold, but the window for action is closing. More than 8 million of the 14.7 million people targeted for assistance this year have received some form of humanitarian aid between January and July but much more needs to be done. Urgent funding is needed to procure more supplies to enable humanitarians to mount a large-scale multisector famine prevention and response aid operation across the country, mainly in areas of acute need. The 2024 Humanitarian response plan, which is seeking $2.7 billion, is 41 per cent funded, eight months into the year.

Ramping up advocacy

The UN Deputy Secretary General (DSG), Ms. Amina Mohammed, undertook a one-day mission to Port Sudan on 29 August before proceeding to Chad’s Adre border point the next day. In Port Sudan, she met with the Transitional Sovereignty Council, senior officials, and the UN country team, with a focus on strengthening humanitarian efforts in Sudan. She told journalists during a media briefing that the visit was to discuss the Adre border crossing and to draw the international community’s attention to the crisis in Sudan. She also emphasized the need to sustain the movement of supplies via the Adre border point while addressing the Humanitarian Aid Commission’s concerns about procedures. She was accompanied by the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Sudan, as well as the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, and senior officials from the World Food Programme, UNHCR, and UNICEF.

59 aid trucks cross the Adre border into Sudan

Despite some challenges over border crossing procedures after the announcement of the re-opening of the Adre border crossing on 15 August, aid trucks have continued to move supplies from Chad into Sudan’s Darfur. Between 20 and 30 August, 59 aid trucks carrying medical, food, nutrition, emergency shelter and essential household items crossed from Chad to Darfur via the Adre border crossing point. The supplies are estimated to reach nearly 195,000 people in acute need in different parts of the country. About 128 aid trucks carrying supplies for an estimated 355,000 people are being prepared to cross into Sudan in the coming days and weeks to ensure a steady flow of supplies. Despite the surge of supplies through Adre, humanitarian partners have warned that ongoing rains and floods have damaged three major bridges in the region, limiting movements within Darfur. While progress has been made on the Adre border crossing, funding resources are depleting, and humanitarian funding is urgently required to sustain the supplies chain.


For previous flash update




Situation Report
Emergency Response
خطوط أنابيب المياه العذبة الممزقة وهي مكشوفة على الطريق المتضرر بالقرب من موقع سد أربعات. (الصورة: أناند ماناركاتو، مكتب تنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية، السودان)

SUDAN: Collapse of Arba’at Dam in Port Sudan, Red Sea State Flash Update No. 02 (29 August 2024)


  • Floodwaters have caused significant damage to the freshwater pipeline supplying Port Sudan, with sections forced above ground, ruptured, and damaging roads.

  • According to authorities, approximately 5 million cubic meters of silt have been released downstream, severely impacting agriculture and water supply in surrounding areas.

  • The dam collapse has resulted in loss of lives, 64 people missing, damage to 84 boreholes, destruction of 1,380 latrines, and the destruction of 20 villages and hamlets.

  • Urgent needs include food supplies, shelter, and household items.


On 25 August 2024, the Arba’at Dam, located approximately 38 km northwest of Port Sudan in Sudan's Red Sea State, suffered extensive damage following heavy rains, leading to a critical humanitarian situation in the affected areas. A team composed of UN agencies, local organizations, the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS), ICRC and international NGOs conducted a preliminary assessment of the dam site along the western banks. This assessment was coordinated under the leadership of the Wali (Governor) of the Red Sea State. The findings from the mission indicate the severe impact of the floodwaters on vital infrastructure and communities. The mission could only visit the western bank of the dam, with reports indicating that some communities were still trapped on the eastern bank due to rising water levels. Lack of access to some of the affected areas is challenging the ability to gather accurate information on humanitarian needs. An assessment is needed to verify the full impact of the incident in inaccessible areas on the eastern bank.

According to an International Organization for Migration (IOM) early warning flash alert, between 60 to 100 families on the western bank of Arba’at dam have reportedly been affected by the heavy rains and flooding. These displaced families are currently taking refuge in improvised shelters within the same locality. However, these figures are yet to be verified.

Infrastructure and Environmental Damage The mission team observed extensive damage to the freshwater pipeline that supplies the City of Port Sudan. Previously well-placed underground sections of the pipeline have been forced above ground by the force of the floodwaters, leading to multiple ruptures. In some instances, the exposed pipelines now cross the road, necessitating detours for vehicles. Additionally, the road sustained significant damage, with some parts at risk of breaking away if urgent repairs are not undertaken.

It is important to note that the damage sustained by the dam will have a significant impact on the freshwater supply to Port Sudan in the months to come. Furthermore, it has been reported that approximately 5 million cubic meters of silt have been released from the dam downstream, severely affecting agriculture and water supply in the surrounding areas.

Humanitarian Impact The collapse of the dam has had a profound impact on local communities. Meetings with affected residents and community leaders have confirmed the tragic loss of lives, with 64 people still unaccounted for. Additionally, 84 boreholes have been damaged, and water points have lost generators and water pumps. The floodwaters also caused significant damage to sanitation facilities, destroying 1,380 latrines. Furthermore, reports indicate the complete destruction of 20 villages and hamlets. The team also identified a village on the eastern bank of the dam that has been entirely cut off due to flooding. Seven hamlets on the eastern bank have also been severely affected.


In response to this disaster, the SRCS and the King Salman Centre have distributed food baskets to some of the affected populations. UNICEF has provided 200 cartons of water purification sachets to the Arba’at Development Organization and community leaders to ensure access to safe and clean water. The sachets can treat up to 480,000 liters of water, supporting approximately 640 families for ten days. Qatar Charity will distribute food rations at the most impacted areas. This is an addition to the response reported in Flash Update 01. OCHA is coordinating with partners to prepare for a rapid needs assessment in the most affected areas to inform a coordinated response. Urgent needs include food, shelter, and household items.


For previous flash updates:




Situation Report
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Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan calls for protection of civilians and aid workers, and end impunity

(Port Sudan, 19 August 2024) – Marking World Humanitarian Day (WHD), the United Nations and humanitarian partners in Sudan call on all parties to the conflict in Sudan, the international community, donors, and others to ensure the protection and safety of civilians and humanitarian workers and to hold perpetrators of crimes against them accountable.

“As we mark the World Humanitarian Day today in Sudan, we appeal to all the parties to the conflict, members states, especially those with leverage visa-vis the conflict parties, and the wider international community to end attacks on civilians and take active steps to protect them – and the critical civilian infrastructure they rely on,” said Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan. “We also call on all parties to ensure the protection of all aid workers, including those working for local and national partners, and their premises and assets, facilitate their work, including opening up and guaranteeing safe and unhindered humanitarian access.”

At least 22 aid workers– all of them Sudanese nationals – have been killed while on duty and at least 34 aid workers have been wounded or injured during this period.

“Our fallen colleagues have been doing their utmost to help the most vulnerable people in need despite the risks and lost their lives. Aid workers are not a target, and these attacks must stop,” she added. “Attacks against civilians, aid workers and civilian infrastructure are violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The perpetrators cannot go unpunished and should be held to account.”

The 16-month long conflict has had a devastating impact on civilian infrastructure, over 75 per cent of health facilities are non-functional in conflict-affected states. Since April 2023, 88 attacks on health care – including on health facilities, ambulances and transport, assets, patients, and health workers – have been verified resulting in 55 deaths and 104 injuries. Destruction of power, water and sanitation infrastructure in conflict areas has led to increased risk of diseases and contributed to famine risk.

“All parties to the conflict and all States must uphold their obligations and leverage their influence to ensure respect for the rules of war and minimize human suffering. Fulfilling these obligations requires immediate and decisive actions,” the Humanitarian Coordinator said. “Turning a blind eye when humanitarian workers are targeted only emboldens those who seek to hinder their work.”

This impunity only increases food insecurity, childhood malnutrition, involuntary displacement and the spread of infectious diseases and other threats. “No matter what, we will continue to stay and deliver the lifesaving assistance to millions of most vulnerable people across Sudan, especially those already going through famine conditions and on the brink of it. The protection of civilians and aid workers as well as safe access must go hand in hand with upscaling humanitarian funding. More than seven months into the year, the Sudan humanitarian appeal, seeking US$2.7 billion, is just 33 per cent funded. This is constraining and limiting the response efforts of the UN, international and national NGOs on the ground, including in Darfur, Khartoum, Kordofan, and other areas. About 150 humanitarian organizations across Sudan have reached nearly 8 million people with some form of humanitarian aid since January. This is over half of the 14.7 million people whom humanitarian organizations plan to reach with assistance in 2024.


For more information, please contact: Tapiwa Gomo,; +249 91 217 0418




Situation Report
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UN chief welcomes decision to reopen key border crossing for aid delivery

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has commended the decision by the Sudanese authorities to reopen a crucial corridor for aid to enter the war-ravaged country, his spokesperson said on Saturday.

The Adre border crossing with Chad has been closed for most of the year. It is the most direct and efficient route for humanitarian aid to reach millions in Sudan's Darfur region who are facing record levels of acute hunger.

Food security experts recently declared that the war between rival Sudanese militaries, which erupted in April 2023, has pushed parts of North Darfur state into famine, particularly the Zamzam camp where more than half a million displaced people are sheltering.

Unhindered humanitarian access

“The Secretary-General underscores the importance of concrete and sustained measures to facilitate humanitarian access and protect civilians, in accordance with the obligations of Sudanese parties under international humanitarian law and previously agreed modalities,” UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said in a statement.

"Humanitarian organizations must have full, safe and unhindered access to reach all civilians in need across Darfur, and across the country as a whole," he added.

The statement concluded by underlining the UN’s full committed to working with all relevant stakeholders to help end the conflict in Sudan and alleviate the suffering of the population.

Scaling up assistance

The Sudanese authorities revoked permission to use the Adre crossing back in February, making the Tine crossing the sole route for cross-border humanitarian aid delivery from Chad.

On Friday, UN agencies including the World Food Programme (WFP) welcomed the news of its reopening.

The development will allow WFP to scale up assistance to 14 areas facing famine in Darfur, Kordofan, Khartoum and Al Jazirah.

The aim is to support up to 8.4 million people by the end of the year.





Situation Report
HC Photo 1
The Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Clementine Nkweta-Salami

Top UN official in Sudan hails re-opening of Adre border crossing point from Chad to Darfur

(Port Sudan, 16 August 2024) – As the humanitarian community races against time to fight famine in parts of Darfur and other conflict-affected areas, the top United Nations official in Sudan today welcomed the decision by the Sudanese authorities to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid through the Adre border crossing point from Chad to Darfur.

“The Adre crossing is a critical lifeline for the people of Sudan,” said Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan. “This humanitarian route will help us deliver emergency food and nutrition supplies, medicine, shelter, and other life-saving assistance to millions of people in desperate need.”

Following the closure of the Adre crossing point by the Sudanese authorities in February, the UN and its humanitarian partners have been using the Tine border crossing into North Darfur. Heavy rains and flooding in recent weeks have significantly impeded aid being transported through Tine. Humanitarian organizations have relief supplies in eastern Chad that are ready to move via Adre crossing.

“We have been relentlessly advocating for the reopening of the Adre crossing, as it is the most effective and shortest route to deliver humanitarian assistance to Sudan at the scale and speed required, especially to Darfur,” Ms. Nkweta-Salami said. “Every minute and every mile counts – and can mean the difference between life and death for the millions of people affected by this conflict.”

Food insecurity in Sudan has reached record levels, with nearly 26 million people in acute hunger. On 1 August, famine conditions were confirmed in Zamzam displacement camp near Al Fasher in North Darfur. Food security experts warn that civilians in a further 13 localities in other parts of Sudan are at risk of famine.

“Given what is at stake, it is essential to expedite humanitarian access by keeping the Adre border crossing open permanently to avoid delays. Additionally, all parties must remove all unnecessary bureaucratic impediments into Darfur and other areas facing acute needs, guarantee the safety and security of aid workers and assets in Al Fasher and facilitate unimpeded aid delivery through all possible routes into and within the country, including across conflict lines as agreed in the Jeddah Declaration,” said Ms. Nkweta-Salami.

Ms. Nkweta-Salami also underscored the need for urgent funds to scale up efforts to reach all people in need. More than seven months into the year, the $2.7 billion Sudan humanitarian appeal for 2024 is just 33 per cent funded, constraining and limiting the response by the UN, international and national NGOs in Sudan, including in Darfur, Kordofan and Khartoum. More than 125 humanitarian organizations are on the ground and have reached nearly 8 million people with some form of humanitarian aid since January.

For more information, please contact: Tapiwa Gomo,; +249 91 217 0418***




Situation Report
HC Photo 1
The Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Clementine Nkweta-Salami

Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan reiterates need for urgent intervention as experts confirm famine conditions

(Port Sudan, 2 August 2024) – The humanitarian community in Sudan is appealing for urgent resources and unimpeded humanitarian access following a new report confirming localized famine conditions in North Darfur. On 1 August, the IPC Famine Review Committee, a team of leading independent international food security, nutrition and mortality experts confirmed with reasonable evidence that the ongoing conflict in Sudan has pushed communities in North Darfur State, notably in the Zamzam camp near the state capital Al Fasher, into famine (IPC Phase 5).

“The United Nations and its partners in Sudan take note of these findings, which reflect the gravity of the humanitarian situation on the ground,” said Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan. “The people of Sudan have suffered relentlessly since conflict broke out more than 15 months ago. This is a man-made crisis, one which can be resolved if all parties and stakeholders uphold their responsibilities and commitments to the populations in desperate need. The humanitarian community in Sudan has been ringing the alarm about the unfolding hunger catastrophe and the risk of famine while conflict has raged on, causing displacement, disrupting basic services, destroying livelihoods and severely restricting humanitarian access.”

In its report, the FRC analysis concluded that famine conditions are ongoing in Zamzam Internally Displaced Persons’ (IDP) camp in North Darfur as of June and July 2024 and are likely to persist into August through October 2024. The FRC added that it is also plausible that similar conditions are likely affecting other IDP sites in the Al Fasher area in North Darfur, particularly the Abu Shouk and Al Salam camps, saying there is an urgent need to assess these locations.

People are likely experiencing similar conditions in the other 13 areas at risk of famine that were listed in the IPC analysis released in June 2024. The analysis highlighted that Sudan faced the worst levels of acute food insecurity in its history, with more than half of its population – 25.6 million people – in acute hunger. That includes more than 8.5 million people facing emergency levels of hunger (IPC 4), as well as more than 755,000 people who are in catastrophic conditions (IPC 5) in Greater Darfur, South and North Kordofan, Blue Nile, Al Jazirah, and Khartoum.

“We have been scaling up our response over recent months, but the needs are immense – and there isn’t a moment to waste,” the Humanitarian Coordinator said. “The humanitarian community is pushing ahead on multiple fronts, including urgently moving food, nutrition and health supplies and agricultural inputs to the highest risk areas; ramping up cash assistance to communities in need; and scaling up presence where hunger is most acute,” she added. “But to do this, we need the guns to be silenced to enable humanitarians to reach the people in need. We need an urgent injection of funding for the aid operation as well as safe and unimpeded humanitarian access, including across borders and battle lines.” More than 125 humanitarian organizations are on the ground, having supported nearly 8 million people with some form of humanitarian aid between January and June 2024.

Despite the tremendous need, aid workers continue to face major humanitarian access challenges, including active conflict, insecurity and systematic obstructions such as deliberate denials of access. The ongoing rainy season is further constraining access; Tine crossing – the only cross-border route available for humanitarian movements from Chad into Darfur since the Adre crossing was closed in February 2024 – is largely impassable due to flooding. Movement across conflict lines, to parts of Khartoum, Darfur, Aj Jazirah and Kordofan, has been also severely restricted and in some cases cut off for many months.

As of 1 August, the Sudan humanitarian appeal, seeking $2.7 billion, is just 32 per cent funded. This is leaving major funding gaps, including for local organizations who are on the forefront of response efforts. “To stop a large-scale famine from taking hold, donors must urgently scale up their financial support while using diplomatic means to push for opening up of humanitarian access,” said the Humanitarian Coordinator. “If not, we will see an even more catastrophic situation unfold.”

For more information, please contact: Tapiwa Gomo,; +249 91 217 0418





Situation Report

Sudan Humanitarian Update (29 July 2024)


Half the population of Sudan faces acute hunger as 755,000 face famine-like conditions.

About 25.6 million people – over half of the population of Sudan – face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above) between June and September 2024, coinciding with the lean season, according to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Acute Food Insecurity Snapshot. This is an increase of 45 per cent – up from 17.7 million – since the last IPC update in December 2023. Of these, 8.5 million are experiencing emergency levels of hunger and about 755,000 people on the brink of famine – during the same period in ten states, including Greater Darfur (all five states), South and North Kordofan, Blue Nile, Al Jazirah, and Khartoum.

Latest analysis shows that the risk of famine is high in 14 areas in Greater Darfur, Greater Kordofan, Al Jazirah states and some hotspots in Khartoum, if the conflict escalates, humanitarian access is restricted, and families are unable to engage in farming and other economic activities. The situation is worsened by the highly dysfunctional healthcare services, water contamination, and poor sanitation and hygiene conditions driving a deadly combination of hunger, malnutrition, and disease.

To address these urgent needs and to stave off famine more funding is required now. To scale up in time, humanitarians need urgent additional resources for the response. Despite the urgency of the situation, the 2024 Sudan Response Plan is just a third-funded by the end of July.

Sudan reaches another grim milestone as 10.6 million people are now internally displaced

An estimated 10.7 million people (2.1 million families) are now internally displaced in Sudan, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Mechanism (DTM) reported in its Sudan Mobility Update No 4 on 23 July. The majority of those internally displaced – 55 per cent – are children under the age of 18 years and they have endured more than a year of separation, human rights violations, trauma, violence, and lack of access to basic services. The overall number of internally displaced people includes an estimated 7.9 million people who fled their homes since the start of the conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on 15 April 2023. About 2.1 million people crossed borders into neighbouring countries since 15 April 2023, including to Egypt, Chad, South Sudan, the Central African Republic (CAR), Ethiopia, Libya, and Uganda. Moreover, 27 per cent of internally displaced persons (IDPs) who were initially displaced prior to the onset of conflict were displaced again after 15 April 2023.

The humanitarian situation in Sudan makes the country one of the world’s largest displacement, food security and children’s crisis. Overall, more than 20 per cent of the population in Sudan has fled their home due to the ongoing war, either internally or across borders. The country now hosts approximately 14 per cent of the global IDP caseload, that is approximately 1 in 7 IDPs worldwide are Sudanese, according to IOM DTM. Food is the highest priority among IDP families as over 97 per cent of IDPs across Sudan were hosted in localities with high levels of acute food insecurity or worse (IPC Level 3+). An estimated 89 per cent of displaced families are unable to afford their daily food requirements.

Recent clashes displace 151,000 people in Sennar State

Escalation of conflict in Sennar State displaced about 151,750 people (about 30,350 families) since 24 June, according to the IOM DTM reported on 11 July. The affected people were displaced to other locations in Sennar and to other states in Sudan (Gedaref, Kassala, Blue Nile, White Nile, River Nile and Red Sea), and across the border to South Sudan. Humanitarian partners in Blue Nile, Gedaref and Kassala states report that IDPs from Sennar continue to arrive seeking safety, shelter, and humanitarian assistance. Sennar, Sinja, and Ad Dinder localities were already hosting about 286,000 displaced people before the recent escalation in clashes, the majority of whom had already been displaced from Khartoum or Aj Jazirah. Therefore, people displaced from Sennar may be experiencing secondary or tertiary displacement. The displacement from Sennar is taking place at a time when the state governments in Kassala, Gedaref, and Red Sea are reopening schools and relocating IDPs from classrooms/learning rooms to other school buildings and gathering sites. It is also the start of the rainy season, and poor living and sanitation conditions at IDP sites could lead to disease outbreaks.

MSF withdraws team from hospital in Khartoum

On 10 July, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) announced it had evacuated its team from the Turkish Hospital, a medical facility in an RSF-controlled area in Khartoum, following a series of violent incidents endangering staff. The situation at the hospital has become untenable, MSF said in a statement, adding that multiple violent incidents had taken place inside and outside the premises over the past 12 months, and the lives of MSF staff had been repeatedly threatened. Most recently, on the nights of 17 and 18 June, dozens of wounded combatants were brought to the Turkish Hospital, and MSF team was aggressively woken up as Kalashnikovs were fired into their bedrooms. MSF condemned the attacks calling this type of violence is unacceptable. They also reiterated that hospitals and health facilities should be protected and respected by the warring parties as sanctuaries for the sick and wounded where health workers can safely deliver medical care. Since the start of the conflict, 73 attacks on health care facilities were recorded by the World Health Organization (WHO) Surveillance System for Attacks on Health Care (SSA). These attacks resulted in 53 deaths and about 100 injuries.

Worrying spike in gender-based violence

The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) raised concerns about the escalation of cases of gender-based violence (GBV) and the decrease in access to healthcare services, especially sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in Sudan. UNFPA reports that 6.7 million people are at risk of gender-based violence (GBV) and 3.5 million women and girls of reproductive age need reproductive health care services. Kidnapping, forced marriage, intimate partner violence, conflict-related sexual violence, and harmful practices such as child marriage, continue to be reported, especially in Aj Jazirah State and the Darfur region. Meanwhile, humanitarian access is compromised in conflict zones, impacting medical care, maternal health, and the supply of menstrual hygiene products. With persistent food insecurity among displaced families, particularly female-headed households, widows, adolescent girls, and people with disabilities, the adoption of negative coping mechanisms for survival is on the rise. In a food-insecure environment, the risk of GBV increases, with women and girls often lacking the financial resources to access sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and GBV services, prioritizing food over their health.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported that numerous incidents of conflict-related sexual violence perpetrated by parties to the conflict, but also resulting from the escalation of inter-communal violence coupled with the collapse of law and order, continue to be reported by women and girls in Sudan and neighbouring countries. Reports of sexual exploitation and abuse and trafficking in person have also increased. However, due to limited access to services as well as fear of retaliation and stigma, under-reporting of GBV incidents remains high. The trend emerging from analysis shows that 56 per cent of GBV incidents reported (by Sudanese refugees or refugee returnees) in Ethiopia and South Sudan occurred prior to displacement or during their flight.


Despite access challenges and funding gaps, 128 humanitarian partners reached more than 7.1 million people with some form of humanitarian assistance between January 2024 and the end of May, according to the latest Sudan Humanitarian Response Dashboard. Humanitarians are pushing ahead with a full-scale plan to stave off famine – but the window for action is closing. It is critical that donors provide the funds needed to enable humanitarians to urgently get cash to families to buy food during the lean season; scale up their operational presence in areas where hunger is most acute, unhindered by insecurity; move supplies to areas with higher needs. In areas where aid has reached people, the latest IPC analysis has shown that food security for some families will slightly improve during the harvest season (October 2024 – February 2025) due to food availability from local production.

Response to displacement from Sennar State

Humanitarians have scaled up response to address the needs of people displaced from Sennar in Gedaref, Kassala and Blue Nile states. About 43,000 IDPs from Sennar in Blue Nile and Kassala states have received emergency food assistance from the World Food Programme (WFP). WFP has also pre-positioned more than 2,200 metric tons of supplies to provide immediate food assistance to newly displaced families. In Gedaref, humanitarians report that the most pressing needs include food, emergency shelter, NFIs, emergency latrines and a protection desk. At Al Sug Al Shaabi gathering site, the local charity organizations Hiyad and the Zakat charity are distributing hot meals to the new IDPs arriving from Sennar State. The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and a local NGO are providing water assistance, but more aid is required to meet increasing needs. Meanwhile, at the new reception centre at Minah Al Berih, UNICEF has distributed tarpaulins, installed water bladders, and is in the process of setting up latrines and starting child protection activities. Local charity organizations and residents have been distributing hot meals to the displaced people. The State Ministry of Health (SMoH) has been registering the new arrivals and Save the Children (SC) has identified a location for a mobile health clinic.

In Kassala, humanitarians are providing life-saving assistance at the temporary gathering site in Alsinaiya School. IOM is also providing health and referral services through a mobile clinic at the temporary reception centre. UNHCR has established four semi-permanent shelters at the reception centre; distributed clothes and non-food items (NFI) kits to the new arrivals; and supported the communal kitchen with utensils. Six communal shelters have been allocated and WFP has provided two rub halls. WFP is also supporting the kitchen with food items, enough for 15,000 people. UNICEF and the charity organization, Sadagaat, are trucking in water and have rehabilitated the water supply connection, nine latrines, five showers, and are desludging septic tanks. About 90 additional latrines are needed to cope with the influx of displaced people. UNICEF has also established a temporary primary healthcare clinic (PHC) at the reception centre that provides medical consultations, laboratory services, psychosocial support and ambulance services in case of referrals. In addition, youth initiatives set up temporary mobile clinics to deal with the chronic disease. Nutrition services are being provided at an outpatient therapeutic feeding program (OTP) in the reception centre and UNHCR—in collaboration with the national NGO JASMAR—has established a protection help desk at the reception centre.

In Blue Nile, WFP food distributions to newly arrived IDPs from Sinja in Ed Damazine are ongoing. Between 1 and 7 July, WFP and its partners distributed food assistance to about 18,600 displaced people (3,746 households) from Sennar in Ed Damazine and Ar Rusayris. UNICEF is providing WASH and nutrition services and is distributing dignity kits. WHO is providing health and nutrition services, while ADRA is providing multi-purpose cash assistance and WASH services. UNHCR distributed NFI and dignity kits to about 6,000 IDPs (1,200 families) from Sinja in Ed Damazine and Ar Rusayris and with the support of its national partner continued providing protection services.


A cross-border mission from Chad to Central Darfur finds thousands stranded

A UN cross-border inter-agency mission to Central Darfur State that started on 10 July returned from the Jebel Marra area to Zalingei and arrived in El Geneina, West Darfur on 21 July. On 22 July, the mission team crossed back into Chad via Tina border in North Darfur, Sudan. The preliminary findings of the mission reveal that there are tens of thousands of IDPs in Nertiti, Golo, Debra Neira, Sabanga and Rokero areas in Central Darfur. The team reports that the displaced families are crowded in sites and camps, sometimes between 70 and 80 people sleeping in one classroom, while others are staying in makeshift shelters or in the open. The IDPs arrived from different areas across the country, including Sennar, Khartoum and all Darfur state capitals. Humanitarian partners are providing assistance, but limited resources are constraining their ability to meet the urgent needs.

Deaths due to malnutrition-related medical complications occur increasingly regularly, according to Toby Harward, Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator for Darfur, who is leading the mission. In recent weeks, UN agencies in Sudan have significantly increased humanitarian assistance crossing from Chad to Sudan. However, aid organisations are now facing new logistical challenges as heavy rains threaten to render the Tine border crossing impassable, with an urgent need for alternative access routes.

Rains cut-off key access routes; displace thousands of people

The onset of the rainy season in various parts of the country started to affect logistics, with many areas cut off due to heavy rains and flooding. In parts of Darfur, humanitarian agencies have had to postpone the distribution of humanitarian assistance until late August due to wadis (dried water streams that turn into rivers) cutting off physical access to affected areas. In Kassala, more than 10,000 people, including thousands of newly arrived IDPs from Sennar, have been directly affected by heavy rains and floods.


The 2024 Sudan Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP) requires US$2.7 billion to provide life-saving multi-cluster and protection assistance to 14.7 million people across Sudan. As of 29 July 2024, the appeal is 31.9 per cent funded, with $859.3 million received, according to the Financial Tracking Service.

For the PDF version: Sudan Humanitarian Update, 29 July 2024




Situation Report
HC Photo(1)
The Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Clementine Nkweta-Salami

The Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Clementine Nkweta-Salami, condemns attacks at a hospital and livestock market in Al Fasher, North Darfur

(Port Sudan, 29 July 2024) – At least 97 civilians have been reportedly killed or injured in an attack at a hospital, residential areas and a livestock market in Al Fasher City in North Darfur State on 27 July, according to local authorities.

“I am deeply saddened by these horrific attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure such as hospitals, apartments and markets. Civilian infrastructures should never be a target and are protected under the international humanitarian law,” said Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan. “The United Nations in Sudan strongly condemns these indiscriminate attacks and extends our deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones.”

The incident in Al Fasher caught many civilians by surprise as the town had experienced relative calm for about two weeks, enabling markets to reopen and many families to resume their livelihoods. Resumption of livelihoods and other economic activities, unimpeded humanitarian access, and upscaling of humanitarian funding are critical for Sudan to avert the looming threat of famine.

The country faces the worst levels of acute food insecurity in its history, with more than half of its population - 25.6 million people - in acute hunger. More than 8.5 million people face emergency levels of hunger (IPC 4), while more than 755,000 people are in catastrophic conditions (IPC 5) in Greater Darfur, South and North Kordofan, Blue Nile, Al Jazirah, and Khartoum.

More than 18,800 people have been killed and over 33,000 injured since the conflict broke out in April 2023, according to humanitarian partners. Over 10 million people have fled their homes, and this includes more than 5 million children - and over 2 million people who have crossed into neighbouring countries.

“At this moment when partners are racing against time and are doing everything they can to stave off a large-scale humanitarian catastrophe, I call on parties to stop the fight and to do everything possible to protect civilians, allow them free movement and to go about their daily lives,” said Nkweta-Salami.

Despite limited funding and a challenging operating environment, humanitarian partners are on the ground and have reached over 7.1 million people with some form of humanitarian assistance between January and May. But this is not enough, “I am urging donors to urgently step up to disburse their commitments and identify new funding if humanitarians are to stand a chance at preventing a large-scale famine from taking hold,” added Nkweta-Salami More than halfway through the year, the Sudan humanitarian appeal, which is seeking $2.7 billion, is just 32 percent funded.

For more information, please contact: Tapiwa Gomo,; +249 91 217 0418





Situation Report

ICPAC Disaster Operations Centre - Flood Update 10-17 July 2024

ICPAC Disaster Operations Centre - Flood Update 10-17 July 2024

The expected very heavy rainfall over few locations in southern Sudan over the next week is likely to result in flooding, according to the ICPAC Disaster Operations Centre Flood Update for 10-17 July 2024. Communities in areas at risk are advised to exercise caution during this period.




Situation Report
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Doha an 8-month-old girl who is under treatment for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) after receiving her monthly ration of RUTF supplements in a WFP-supported nutrition centre Ahmed Gasim in Port Sudan (Photo Credit: WFP/Abubakar Garelnabei)

Sudan is facing an unprecedented hunger catastrophe, say UN Agency Chiefs (27 June 2024)

New data reveals that over 750,000 people are experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity with 25.6 million people in crisis levels of hunger

ROME/NEW YORK – Alarming new food security projections for Sudan published today show that Sudan is facing a devastating hunger catastrophe on a scale not seen since the Darfur crisis in the early 2000s, warn the heads of three United Nations agencies.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the UN World Food Programme (WFP) have been warning of rapid deterioration in conditions for the people of Sudan, particularly children, as food security is torn apart by war that has ravaged the country for more than a year. Collectively the agencies have mobilised a large-scale humanitarian response inside Sudan and in neighbouring countries where more than 2 million refugees have sought safety.

An immediate ceasefire and renewed international efforts – both diplomatic and financial – as well as unhindered and sustained humanitarian access, are urgently needed to enable the humanitarian response to be further expanded and to allow the agencies to deliver at the speed needed.

The rapid deterioration in food security in Sudan has left 755,000 people in catastrophic conditions (IPC Phase 5) with a risk of famine in 14 areas, according to the latest Snapshot data released by the Integrated Phase Classification. The worst conditions are in the areas hardest hit by fighting and where people displaced by the conflict have gathered. A total of 25.6 million people are in the high levels of acute hunger (IPC Phase 3+). This means that for half of Sudan’s war-battered population, every single day is a struggle to feed themselves and their families.

This is the first time that catastrophic (IPC Phase 5) conditions have ever been confirmed in Sudan since the IPC’s inception in 2004. Unlike the Darfur crisis of twenty years ago, the present crisis spans the whole country, with catastrophic levels of hunger even reaching the capital Khartoum and Gezira State, once Sudan’s breadbasket.

This new data shows also a stark deterioration for Sudan’s population from the last projection, released in December 2023, that showed 17.7 million people facing acute hunger (IPC Phase 3+). This included nearly 5 million people in emergency levels of hunger (IPC Phase 4). Today, 8.5 million people are projected to be in emergency levels of hunger (IPC Phase 4).

“The new IPC analysis revealed a deepening and rapid deterioration of the food security situation in Sudan with millions of people’s lives at risk,” said FAO Director-General QU Dongyu. “We are now delivering life-saving seeds for the main planting season. The clock is ticking for Sudan’s farmers. FAO urgently requires USD 60 million to meet unfunded parts of its Famine Prevention Plan to ensure that people – especially those in inaccessible areas – are able to produce food locally and avert food shortages in the next six months. We must act collectively, at scale, with unimpeded access, for the sake of millions of innocent lives hanging in the balance”.

“WFP’s team in Sudan is working day and night in perilous conditions to deliver lifesaving assistance, yet these numbers confirm that time is fast running out to prevent famine. For each person we have reached this year, another eight desperately need help,” said WFP Executive Director Cindy McCain. “We urgently need a massive expansion of humanitarian access and funding so we can scale-up our relief operations, and halt Sudan’s slide into a humanitarian catastrophe that is threatening to destabilize the wider region.”

“The latest snapshot illustrates the devastating impact the conflict in Sudan is having on the country's children," said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. "Hunger and malnutrition are spreading at alarming rates, and without concerted international action and funding, there is a very real danger the situation will spiral out of all control. There is no time to lose. Any delay in unfettered access to vulnerable populations will be measured in the loss of children's lives."

FAO, UNICEF and WFP are leading multi-sectoral famine prevention efforts reaching people across Sudan

WFP has reached over 3 million displaced and vulnerable people in Sudan so far this year and is ramping up assistance to reach an additional 5 million people by year end. WFP is urgently working to expand access and open new humanitarian corridors – from neighbouring countries and across frontlines. WFP has this year delivered food and nutrition supplies for around half a million people in the Darfur region via convoys crossing from Chad – and more convoys carrying food and nutrition supplies for around 250,000 people are planned in the coming weeks. WFP is also pre-positioning assistance at key crossings and supply routes as the rainy season starts when many roads in Darfur and other regions across the Sudan become impassable.

After reaching 3.8 million people in the first half of the year through winter seed distributions and vaccination, FAO is now preparing to support more than 1.8 million farming and pastoral households in Sudan, equivalent to 9 million people, to resume livelihood activities and produce food locally. FAO has purchased almost 8,000 tons of cereal seeds (sorghum and millet) and will reach over 870,000 farming households across Sudan, including in Darfur and Kordofan, where food insecurity has reached catastrophic levels. FAO's experience shows that even in conflict settings, when farmers can access land and inputs, they will produce food.

Since the conflict started in April 2023, UNICEF has reached close to 5.5 million children with nutritional screening and more than 322,000 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition with lifesaving treatment. UNICEF is scaling up multi-sectoral response alongside humanitarian partners to prevent more child deaths, reaching over 5 million people with access to safe water, and vaccinating over half a million children against measles in the first five months of this year. UNICEF is also getting children back into learning, providing cash to over 350,000 pregnant and lactating women and their families, and making all efforts to protect children from violence, separation, and trauma.




Situation Report
Emergency Response
2. Mid

Sudan: Conflict in Sinja, Sennar State - Flash Update No. 02 (as of 4 July 2024)


  • Over 136,000 people flee Sennar as conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces spreads across the state.

  • Conflict in Sinja has significantly exacerbated civilian suffering and increased violations of international humanitarian law.

  • Civilians are now facing multiple protection risks and have reported widespread looting of their homes and personal possessions.

  • People fleeing Sinja Town have arrived in Gedaref, Blue Nile, and Kassala states.

  • Humanitarian partners in states receiving displaced people from Sennar State are scaling up response to meet their needs.

  • OCHA and cluster leads in Blue Nile plan to conduct an inter-agency assessment of IDPs from Sinja in Ed Damazine and Ar Rusayris localities.


Clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) continue in Sinja Town, Sinja locality and have spread to Sennar Town, Sennar locality.

Since 24 June 2024, an estimated 136,000 people have been displaced from various locations across Sennar State following armed clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), reports the International Organization for Migration Displacement Tracking Matrix (IOM DTM). Sennar, Sinja, and Ad Dinder localities were already hosting about 286,000 displaced people before the recent escalation in clashes, the majority of whom had already been displaced from Khartoum or Aj Jazirah. Therefore, people displaced from Sennar may be experiencing secondary or tertiary displacement.

On 2 July 2024, clashes were reported in Sinja Town, Sinja locality; in Ad Dinder Town, Ad Dinder locality; and in Sennar Town, Sennar locality. IOM field teams report increased displacement from these towns, as well as from the neighbouring localities of Abu Hujar and As Suki due to security concerns. People from Sennar, Sinja, Ad Dinder, and As Suki localities have taken refuge in Ar Rahad and Madeinat Al Gedaref localities in Gedaref State; as well as to Kassala, Red Sea, and River Nile states. Some people from Sinja and Abu Hujar localities fled to Ed Damazine locality in Blue Nile State, while others took refuge in Aj Jabalain locality in White Nile State.

Additionally, IOM DTM received preliminary information that on 2 July, an unconfirmed number of families were displaced from locations across Al Mafaza, Ar Rahad, and Galabat Ash-Shargiah localities in Gedaref State, reportedly due to increased security concerns about the situation in Sennar State. The affected families were reportedly displaced to locations within Madeinat Al Gedaref locality.

The displacement from Sennar is taking place at a time when the state governments in Kassala, Gedaref, and Red Sea are reopening schools and relocating internally displaced persons (IDPs) from schools to other school buildings and gathering sites. It is also the start of the rainy season, and poor living and sanitation conditions at IDP sites could lead to disease outbreaks.

OCHA is coordinating the response with state authorities, state HAC, and humanitarian partners through daily meetings, mapping of stocks, documenting the response and identifying gaps.

Protection concerns: The conflict in Sinja has significantly exacerbated civilian suffering and increased violations of international humanitarian law. Civilians are now facing multiple protection risks and have reported widespread looting of their homes, cars, and personal belongings, reportedly by RSF, amidst the escalating conflict. In addition, shops and local markets have also been looted, leaving civilians without access to essential resources and heightened insecurity.

According to local reports, the Sinja Teaching Hospital has been occupied by RSF and patients and staff are allegedly being used as human shields. Loss of access to the hospital has critically hampered medical services and has put civilians—particularly vulnerable groups such as women, children, and the elderly—at increased risk of violence, exploitation, and abuse. Humanitarian partners have received reports of dozens of unaccompanied children in the streets and missing children.

Situation in Gedaref State

About 26,000 people (5,000 families), including 6,800 children, have reportedly arrived in Gedaref from Sennar, according to Hiyad—a national local charity organization working in Gedaref. The OCHA team in Gedaref reports thousands of people are arriving in the state and are gathering at Al Sug Al Shaabi (market). The displaced people are arriving with few possessions and are in urgent need of food, water, and shelter. There are no sanitation facilities in the area. Rains on 3 July forced the IDP women and children to huddle under trucks to get out of the rain. This is the first wave of displacement of people who were able to pay for transportation or have private vehicles. The second wave of displacement is expected to include people initially displaced from Khartoum, Aj Jazirah, Darfur and Kordofan to Sennar who have few resources and need time to arrange transportation costs.

On the night of 3 July, the relocation process of displaced people from Al Suq Al Shabi to a new reception centre at Minah Al Berih, at the entrance of Gedaref State, has started. Displaced people arriving in Gedaref are now being directed straight to the Minah Al Berih reception centre. The state government in Gedaref has identified other reception centres across the state including Qariat Hanaan village—a village close to Tunaydba refugee camp—in Al Mafaza locality and Al Huri in Al Galabat Al Gharbyah locality. The location of a third site has yet to be determined. Overall, the priority needs of IDPs in Gedaref are shelter, food, NFIs, WASH and health services.

Response: At the gathering site (Al Sug Al Shaabi), Hiyad and the Zakat charity have distributed 6,000 ready meals to 2,600 families over the past couple of days. The UN Children’s Agency (UNICEF) and a local NGO are providing water assistance, but more assistance is required to meet increasing needs.

At the new reception centre at Minah Al Berih, UNICEF has distributed tarpaulins, installed water bladders, and is in the process of setting up latrines and starting child protection activities. Local charity organizations and residents have been distributing hot meals to the displaced people. The State Ministry of Health (SMoH) has been registering the new arrivals and Save the Children (SC) has identified a location for a mobile health clinic.

Planned response in Gedaref State: Humanitarian organizations in Gedaref will provide shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), food and nutrition assistance and have enough supplies to assist about 100,000 people. The government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) in Gedaref will activate volunteer and youth groups trained by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to register IDPs in four localities in the state. The international NGO Solidarités International (SI) will provide tarpaulins, plastic mats, emergency shelter toolkits, and kitchen sets. In addition, SI will provide sanitation and water supplies. IOM will provide non-food item (NFI) kits for 18,000 people. WFP currently possesses food stock and nutrition supplies (plumpy doz) to meet the needs of 50,000 IDPs and will bring in more stocks as needed. The SMoH has put together medical personnel, doctors, and nurses on standby to provide medical consultations and treatment. UNICEF is working with the SMoH to conduct amid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening and will provide nutritional supplies. UNICEF will also provide WASH supplies including water storage bladders; jerry cans for 400 families; chlorine for the chlorination of water; latrine slabs; and latrine tarpaulin sheets. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) will provide WASH supplies including tents; soap; hygiene kits latrine cleaning kits; and multi-purpose cash for 3,600 people. CARE will also provide WASH supplies including plastic slabs; plastic sheets; and WASH kits. NRC, Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and Save the Children Fund (SCF) plan to conduct a one-day assessment before providing multi-purpose cash assistance. UNHCR and its partners will ensure that IDPs have access to available protection services, including the emergency referral pathway with Child Protection (CP) and Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility (GBV AoR); identify persons with specific needs; map protection desks; provide displaced people access to Psychological First Aid (PFA); coordinate raising-awareness sessions on protection issues; support protection monitoring; and strengthen community structures.

Situation in Kassala State

Humanitarian partners in Kassala will support IDPs living in the reception centre as well as new IDPs arriving in the state. The state government has identified a new temporary reception centre (Alsinaiya School) for hosting new IDPs from Sennar State. After few days in the temporary centre, the displaced people will be taken to the new Alkarama gathering site, where partners will provide assistance. IDPs taking refuge in school buildings will also be moved to Alkarama gathering site.

On 3 July, humanitarian partners visited the reception centre where about 1,000 displaced people (200 families) had arrived from Sennar state. It is estimated that between 300 to 500 people (60 to 100 families) are arriving daily. An unknown number of displaced people have arrived in Kassala and are being hosted by friends or relatives.

Response at the temporary gathering site (Alsinaiya School): IOM is providing health and referral services through a mobile clinic at the temporary reception centre in Alsinaiya School. A local youth initiative is managing a common kitchen that is providing hot meals to the new arrivals. The World Food Programme (WFP) is supporting the kitchen with food items, enough for 15,000 people. UNICEF and the charity organization Sadagaat, are trucking in water and have rehabilitated the water supply connection, nine latrines, five showers, and are desludging septic tanks at the reception centre. About 90 additional latrines are needed to cope with the influx of displaced people. UNICEF has also established a temporary primary healthcare clinic at the reception centre that provides medical consultations, laboratory services, psychosocial support and ambulance services in case of referrals.

Planned response in Kassala State: Clusters will provide a coordinated life-saving response (ready meals, water, protection, psychosocial support and referrals as required etc.) for displaced people arriving at the temporary reception centre at Alsinaiya School and will also support assistance at Alkrama gathering site.

At the temporary reception centre (Alsinaiya School) classrooms are already occupied by previously displaced people and the newly displaced people from Sennar are sitting under trees out in the open. WFP will provide two rub-halls—equipped with lights, mattresses, fans and a generator—one for women and children and one for men. WFP has also dispatched nutrition supplies to Alsinaiya and Al Haj Musa School reception sites. The supplies are enough to cover the needs of 2,000 children and pregnant and nursing women. The Protection Cluster recommended setting up a protection desk to work with the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) registration team and provide protection services as needed. The Nutrition Cluster will carry out a MUAC screening targeting new IDP arrivals.

At Alkarama gathering site, the international NGO Welthungerhilfe (WHH)—in coordination with UNICEF—will address water needs and has committed to providing a minimum of 100 latrines. UNHCR will support two schools near the gathering site to provide access to education services for the IDP children. UNHCR, IOM and WHH will provide emergency shelter and NFI support. The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) has allocated funds to the SMoH for a mobile clinic that would also provide psychosocial support and support for pregnant women.

Situation in Blue Nile State

Since 29 June 2024, Blue Nile State has been experiencing an influx of IDPs from Sinja and surrounding villages, with more IDPs reportedly on their way to the state, according to reports from protection partners. While Blue Nile remains safe, the primary risk for the new IDPs is the lack of humanitarian assistance.

HAC in Blue Nile State estimated that over 30,000 displaced people have arrived in the state; however, this is yet to be verified. Most of the IDPs are being hosted in school buildings that already host IDPs, and new school buildings have been opened to accommodate the new arrivals. IOM DTM estimates that 5,000 people from Sinja have arrived in Ed Damazine, many on trucks and tractors. The influx of displaced people to Ed Damazine continues.

Response: WFP food distributions to newly arrived IDPs from Sinja in Ed Damazine are ongoing. UNICEF is providing WASH and nutrition services and is distributing dignity kits. WHO is providing health and nutrition services, while ADRA is providing Multi-Purpose Cash assistance and WASH services.

Planned response: Humanitarian partners in Blue Nile are focused on scaling up emergency response to support the new IDPs arriving in the state. According to Protection partners, the conflict has negatively impacted the supply chain, as key roads are no longer accessible due to the insecurity. A rapid inter-agency assessment is planned to identify the needs of the new arrivals who have taken refuge in school buildings in Ed Damazine and Ar Rusayris towns. HAC has also identified a location for a new site to host the IDPs.


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UN relief head in war-torn Sudan warns ‘we’re in a race against time’ as famine looms

Growing hunger in war-torn Sudan and limited tools to address the world’s largest displacement crisis are urgent concerns as famine looms, Justin Brady, the head of the UN emergency relief agency (OCHA) in the beleaguered Africa nation told UN News. Brady spoke with UN News’s Khaled Mohamed from Port Sudan, where he outlined the current situation on the ground, warning that “we’re in a race against time, but the time is running out.”




Situation Report
Emergency Response
2024 Sudan-Famine-Prevention-Plan April-2024

Sudan: Famine Prevention Plan 2024

The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) results for Sudan delivered in late 2023 depicted a dire picture of increasing food insecurity and malnutrition across Sudan, particularly in areas hit by conflict and access constraints. Those concerns have been confirmed in various reports since the release of the December 2023 IPC, including the FAO Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM), which reported significant decreases in cereal production compared to 2022, the WFP Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Assessment (CFSVA) and the release by FEWSNet of its Food Security Outlook from March - September 2024 that includes a famine warning for some areas of the country hardest hit by conflict. Given the current conflict dynamics, the situation is expected to worsen in the coming months, which would potentially lead to a more formal “famine likely” warning based on expedited IPC results.

On 29 March 2024, an IPC alert for Sudan was released outlining the dramatic situation of food insecurity in country: “This [alert] has been developed based on the review of the latest evidence available and issued to express major concern regarding the deteriorating situation; and advocate for stakeholders to act immediately to prevent famine.” (IPC). IPC outlined that since the IPC results released in December 2023, “there has been a significant escalation of the conflict among armed factions and a rise in organized violence beyond the initial IPC assumptions made in previous analyses” (IPC March 2024). As the IPC alert published in March 2024 states: “Catastrophe (IPC 5) is expected among households in parts of West Darfur, Khartoum, and among the displaced population more broadly, particularly in hard-to-reach areas of Greater Darfur.” Immediate actions are key to “prevent widespread death and total collapse of livelihoods and avert a catastrophic hunger crisis in Sudan”. (IPC Alert, March 2024).

As a mitigation measure, this famine prevention operational plan responds to the strategic direction outlined by the HCT. It is a prioritization of the 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan and seeks to build on existing and previous physical presence and recent efforts to align the coordination with realities on the ground. The approach is based on experience in other successful famine prevention operations adapted to the Sudan context. This plan is predicated on integrated responses led by Food Security, Nutrition, Health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) clusters with important contributions by other clusters, all of which is underpinned by an emphasis on the Centrality of Protection guided by the Protection Cluster and emphasizes the importance of mainstreaming crosscutting themes such as accountability to affected populations (AAP), protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) and gender-based violence (GBV) into the strategy.

For the full document click here: Sudan: Famine Prevention Plan 2024

